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The Pleasure Garden bootlegs

This article looks at some of the differences between the two bootlegs of The Pleasure Garden (1925)...

Screengrabs from the Rohauer print are shown on the right.

Opening Credits

The opening credit sequences are different...


Intertitle Cards

The Rohauer print alters the text of almost every single intertitle card, with a lot of "Americanisations" - e.g. "Ladies & Gentlemen..." is changed to "Folks...".



The Rohauer print occasionally redits sequences to fit around the altered intertitles.

For example, in the scene where Jill auditions the original film is sequenced as follows:

  1. Jill finishes dancing
  2. audience claps, apart from one old man who isn't impressed
  3. Jill comes down off the stage to talk to the theatre manager
  4. manager says "Would you like to work for me... I'll pay you five pounds a week"
  5. Jill shakes her head and says "No -- twenty!"
  6. manager considers for a second, then raises his hands in acceptance and they shake hands
  7. Jill returns to the stage

In the Rohauer print, the sequence is altered to:

  1. Jill finishes dancing
  2. audience claps, apart from one old man who isn't impressed
  3. intertitle card: "I hate to admit it but you're pretty good. How's five pounds a week?"
  4. Jill shakes her head and says "You know I'm better than that. I'll take twenty to start."
  5. manager considers for a second, then raises his hands in acceptance and they shake hands
  6. Jill returns to the stage

By removing the footage of Jill coming down from the stage, the offer of five pounds a week appears to have been made by the old man. It also causes a jump in the continuity as Jill suddenly cuts from being on stage, to being amongst the audience and shaking the hand of the manager (rather than the old man who appeared to make the original job offer).


The Rohauer print curiously removes the reference to Lux soap which appears in the original film:
