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Hollywood Magazine (1942) - Suspicion






Suspicion is a gripping, compelling film. Alfred Hitchcock again proves himself a superb master of direction and production. Joan Fontaine, in her second big screen role, surpasses even her brilliant work in Rebecca.

In the spellbinding story, Cary Grant, the Lothario hero, falls in love against his natural inclinations, marries, and finds he is forced to take a job when his wife is unable to support him as he had hoped. He dabbles at the job, steals from his employer, and loses heavily at the races. Gradually the idea appears to grow in his mind — and that of his wife — that he is going to murder her for her insurance, which will enable him to clear his pressing debts and save his skin. Miss Fontaine's acting, as her terrifying suspicions mount, is superb.

The mood and shading of character are unequalled by any of Hitchcock's previous films. Cary Grant is convincing in his unsympathetic role. If the film has a fault, it lies in the ending, which is anticlimactic after the high-pitched suspense and excitement of the entire film.