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Fort Worth Rambler (10/Apr/1956) - Critique by Colburn




Critique by Colburn

One of the most refreshing shows we have seen this year in the way of a mystery movie is Alfred Hitchcock's "The Trouble With Harry." Hitchcock is known for his hair-raising, spine-tingling movies that deal with murder and mayhem. One of his best known productions is the movie "The Thirty-Nine Steps." The reason for his great success with this type film is not that he has first hand experience in such skulduggery (that we know of anyway) but that he is a master at suspense.

"The Trouble With Harry" is the story of an artist who becomes entangled, a housewife who hates her husband, an old salt of a sea captain who was the skipper of a tug boat, and an old maid who likes to take walks. The plot unfolds with the captain believing that he has killed a man while hunting and continues from there in mad chaos of burying and unburying the body. The movie ends in a very unusual way.

The difference in this movie and that of others written in the mystery manner is that this one tickles you in the jugular vein. Hitchcock uses a kind of comic suspense to hold his audience. The audience sits there with fear and anxiety laughing itself silly.